Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Want Change? Get Puppy!

Change, they say, is the only constant in life. Well, I do agree, but the changes that Cocaine, our newly adopted pet has brought to our lives has been sudden and comprehensive.

  • A portion of our hall had messed up flooring; the spartex tiles were broken and we used to keep the sofa on it to hide the hole in our hall. All was hunky dory and none of us could accumulate the resolve to repair it until Coco came romping into our lives. He started eating the cement and other not to be eaten things from there, and that couldn't do, no siree. Promptly, new tiles were arranged for, masons called to fit them, and voila! The hole in our hall is history!
  • Our dustbin was perennially  overflowing. We are three musketeers; Dayanand, Anant and Kartik. With no woman in the house, except for a god-sent maid, we keep pushing the chores onto each other. Make no mistake, it's no bachelor den, but yes, the house misses the touch of a woman. Again, with Coco in the picture and the prospect of him ingesting garbage was an impossible one, and now the dustbin has been shifted outside the apartments and the garbage is picked up regularly 
  • Cocaine has brought the family closer. While we were tight, the bond that is developing now is even tighter. I used to call my to be sis-in-law once a week, or when I had some work, but now, I call her everyday to ask about what the pup is doing, and what's up with her. 
While raising a pet dog can be a haranguing experience at times- when he pees all over the house, yelps the whole night, feels like biting your nose at 03:00 am, scares you to death by breathing or dreaming funny, or when he builds a lot of guilt in you for being 6 and a half seconds late in giving him his food by looking at you through those lovely, innocent eyes- it is one of the most rewarding one of my life too. 

Love you Coco. 

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